Jamie grew up in Calgary Alberta, Canada and spent her formative years perfecting the art of PLAY.   

Late nights and early mornings were spent adventuring in the field behind her childhood home. Building forts, riding wagons down steep grassy knolls, climbing trees, eating neighbours sweet peas, losing boots to mud holes and jumping so diligently on her families trampoline it was medically advised to stop.

Jamie sees play as a wonderful flow-state where curiosity, surrender, joy and awe are actively pursued for the sake of fun.  

In her paintings, Jamie enjoys using bold flat colours and erratic patterns. The imperfections and unfinished free appearance of her art is homage to the truest uninhibited expression of play moving through her. 

Her artworks as a collective are an insight into the colourful landscape of her mind. 

She received her Bachelor of Design from ACAD in 2011. Jamie is currently living her best life playing outside in Kootenays in B.C, Canada. Skiing, biking and hiking.

Jamie's passions extend to health and wellness. She currently maintains a practice as a Registered Massage Therapist with an interest in educating Therapeutic exercise.   

“ I paint because I want to. “ - Jamie Kidd